Friday, January 29, 2010

Whoa, long time - no see!!

Holy moly, it's been ages, so I'm going to start off slow! So here's the facebook status update:

Jennifer Thomas Gaillard

is relieved that there doesn't appear to be an electrical fire smoldering somewhere in the house. The culprit? A rubber centipede SOMEONE put on top
of a light bulb in my lamp.23 hours ago
Normally I've got a pretty decent sense of smell, but I doubt myself in
the winter when my nose is stuffed up and I have sinus issues. Two
days ago, I could have sworn I smelled something burning around the
house. Not a smoky smell, but something more electrical. And, since
we live in an old house, I'm paranoid about the wiring. I checked the
closet with the fusebox and the back porch where the dryer is. Nothing.
Yesterday evening we had a neighborhood meeting at County Square
(hoping to get a sidewalk on our street, woohoo!!). Came home to the
front porch light on and lamp on the end table on (thank you, Dear for
not making me come home to a dark house!), and THE SMELL!! I did
more sniffing around, and thought the culprit might be our old TV
(still taking up too much space in the living room!!). Erik is obsessed
with plugging things in, and maybe this old tv decided it was going to
start burning from all the plugging and unplugging. I unplugged it and
figured the problem was possibly solved. Then I sat down in my usual
computing spot on the loveseat to enjoy a few moments of peace and
quiet before heading to the grocery store. Under the glow of the lamp
on the end table, I recalled Erik mentioning there was a bug in the
lamp the night before. At the time, I kind of assumed it was a LIVE
bug, like a moth, drawn to the light. But I decided to look into the
shade just in case. And there, sitting on top of the light bulb and
sizzling, was a rubber glow-in-the-dark centipede! Burnt right
through his middle! My nose wasn't lying to me AND our house was
not burning down. Whew! But I think I need to have words with Erik :-P

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